Small asteroid 2022 EB5 impacted Earth was discovered by Krisztián Sárneczky using the 0.60-m Schmidt telescope at Konkoly ...
The asteroid was only about a meter in diameter and was first spotted late on January 20 by astronomer Krisztián Sárneczky using the 60 cm Schmidt Telescope at Hungary’s Piszkéstető Mountain ...
A Hungarian astronomer recently discovered previously unknown near-Earth asteroids, the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network ...
Az elmúlt napokban több új kisbolygót fedezett fel Sárneczky Krisztián, a HUN-REN Csillagászati és Földtudományi ...
Robert Krisztian started his career at Magyar Suzuki Corporation in 1992 as Buyer. After several years in this position he has been appointed to Purchasing Department Leader. From 2010 he acted as ...
Jövő héten kedd este együtt kel fel a Hold és a Szaturnusz a délkeleti horizonton, majd szorosan összefonódva emelkednek ...
Horváth Krisztián a Boston Consulting Group budapesti irodájának Partnere, szakterületei a pénzügyi intézmények, a vagyonkezelés, az értékesítés-árazás, és a stratégia. A stratégiai tanácsadás ...
Krisztian Sandor recently graduated from NYU's business and economic reporter program as a Fulbright fellow and worked with Reuters and Forbes previously. Originally from Budapest, Hungary, he is ...