Un documental que explora las conexiones entre la antigua civilización Sanxingdui-Jinsha en China y la civilización maya en ...
悉尼设计奖(Sydney Design Awards)设有丰富多样的参赛类别,涉及空间、物品、视觉、平面、数字化&体验设计,共有90多项细分类别。该赛事旨在加速转变,激励大胆创新,提供更多设计需求。BETTER ...
Douglas Dueno, a visitor from the United States, was mysteriously drawn to Jinsha Academy in Xiamen's Haicang district in ...
Tsering Dondrub has been running the business of making and selling traditional Tibetan products both online and in shops ...
【核心工艺】金沙酒甄选优质红缨子糯高粱为原料,以小麦制曲,采用两次投料、九次蒸煮、八次发酵、七次取酒,秉承端午制曲、重阳下沙传统工艺酿造而成。 【品牌】金沙回沙酒属于贵州省金沙县特产,中国国家地理标志产品。贵州金沙窖酒酒业有限公司 ...
The Beijing Municipal Administrative Center in the city's Tongzhou district has earned the reputation of being a new cultural ...
In the early autumn mango trees laden with heavy fruit can be spotted across a mountain in Huaping County southwest China ...
The section down the Tuotuo is called the Tongtian River, and the section from Yushu County in Qinghai to Yibin City in Sichuan is called the Jinsha River. The section downstream from Yibin is ...
On Nov. 26, 2023, a new railway line opened between the ancient cities of Lijiang and Shangri-La in southwest China's Yunnan province, connecting the Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture to the ...
Changping Valley to Bipeng Valley trek is the first choice of the Top 10 classic trekking routes in China. Starts at an ...
iSDG是一家来自日本的健康品牌,自成立以来始终秉承着“健康生活,源于饮食”的理念在优质选材与产品创新上不断突破,致力于满足各个阶层消费者的需求。旗下主要产品有:夜间酵素、乳酸菌酵素、胶原蛋白片等。保健品不能代替药物,如出现身体不适,请 ...