In his recent encylical Laudato Si, Pope Francis often quotes Romano Guardini (1885-1968), an Italian-born German theologian and philosopher, whose book The End of the Modern World was ...
That friend was Father Romano Guardini, author of the now classic work, The Spirit of the Liturgy. Though he couldn’t be there, Guardini sent a long open letter that was read to the conference.
It is, as Paul VI insisted, an eminently contemplative prayer. The pope's words echo Romano Guardini who described the rosary as "a prayer of lingering--to pray it, we must put aside those things that ...
Recently, while preparing my Sunday homily, the words that continued to come to my mind were “conversion” and “renewal.” In my preparation, when I reflected on the three readings, those two words kept ...
Durante una lezione in una prima liceo, da un passaggio di “Moby Dick” nasce l’idea di un lavoro creativo: continuare la ...
Many of the popes have championed the Rosary as a powerful, multifaceted devotion. The theologian Romano Guardini described praying the rosary as "participation in the life of Mary, whose focus was ...
Gouache (Ger), dam of G1 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth QIPCO Stakes winner Goliath (Ger), is to be sold at the Goffs ...
斯图加特/米兰:由“梅赛德斯-奔驰国际设计师交流项目(IDEP)”选出的设计师Tiziano Guardini精彩发布米兰时装周首秀,展示其 ...
La Facoltà di Teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum di Roma lancia il suo "innovativo" programma di Licenza in ...
日本制铁、浦项控股集团及安赛乐米塔尔在低碳排放钢研发方面的做法值得肯定。这3家企业低碳战略的共同点在于从钢铁产品、低碳生产工艺、低碳社会贡献3个方面进行品牌化策划,结合企业宣传口号,全面推介企业在实现碳减排方面所采取的措施和所取得的效果,很好地将企业 ...