Top Palm Beach County business professionals moving up within their industry or standing out in their community.
Robotic process automation (RPA) is the use of software robots to mimic the actions a human user would perform on a computer ...
Modern vessels are becoming increasingly connected. While it is unlikely that hackers could fully control a container ship ...
Semiconductor Product Validation, Quality, Reliability, And Root Cause Failure Analysis - Semiconductors are the fundamental ...
该步主要为欧洲企业所采用,尤其德国公司,因为很多德国公司视FMEA为技术机密,可以流览但是不提交给客户,只提交一个封面,所以不少德国公司要求一个FMEA讨论,检查你的FMEA做的如何 ...
Jimmy Patronis wants to slash the number of exploding smartphones, electric scooters, and e-cigarettes that firefighters deal ...
Meet Bhavani Srinivasaiah, a pioneering woman in tech who is shaping the future of autonomous vehicles with her patented ...
上海合见工业软件集团有限公司(简称“合见工软”)宣布推出创新专业的工业安全分析平台UniVista Reliability and Safety/Security Analyzer(简称“UniVista RaSA”),为复杂电子系统提供完整的系统级安全解决方案。UniVista ...
You design and develop software embracing Systems Engineering methodologies such as FMEA and Reliability test protocols. You will train and mentor engineers across Philips on how to apply FMEA and ...
【中国汽车智能制造百人会】电动侧滑门设计关键要求 【中国汽车智能制造百人会】上海汽车PPAP培训 【中国汽车智能制造百人会】汽车产品设计FMEA分析流程 【中国汽车智能制造百人会】质量 ...
近年来,智能家居呈现融合化、智能化、健康化、绿色化发展趋势。随着全球能源紧缺的加剧以及新国标能效等级的推行,过去20多年未有创新的空调行业正面临着前所未有的挑战与变革,传统空调虽能满足用户对温度调节的需求,却因高能耗问题饱受诟病。 为了保障用户舒适度的同时实现节能降耗,欧瑞博新一代节能中央空调也开始进入人们视线,它是空调、热水、地暖三合一的集成空调,创新性的完成智能家居家电与新能源的组合。智研咨询 ...