新闻网讯 近日,我校分子测量学研究院卢小泉教授团队在电催化还原CO2领域取得重要研究进展,研究成果以“Dual-metal Sites Drive Tandem Electrocatalytic CO2to ...
The ion's pathway is strongly influenced by a process that is ubiquitous across bio- and electrochemistry: ions need to ...
One of the most promising avenues for actively reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere is recycling it into valuable chemicals ...
The ion's pathway is strongly influenced by a process that is ubiquitous across bio- and electrochemistry: ions need to ...
The unsung heroes of electrochemical reactions—electrocatalysts—can assist in optimizing factors such as the reaction's speed ...
Novel workflow provides solid design guidelines for carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction electrocatalysts using ternary metal ...
近年来电催化有机物加氢(ECH)作为一种绿色、温和的生物质化合物加氢新手段,其研究热度逐步升高。其中质子电化学还原而来的氢原子(H ad)与有机 ...
Qingyu Yan: To get high efficiency of electrocatalytic process for urea production. Qingyu Yan: My group member Chade Lv and I work on design and carry out the catalysts, electrocatalytic urea ...
How can we make certain electrochemical reactions faster and more efficient? Researchers at Tohoku University investigated ...
Electricity-driven water electrolysis has garnered notable attention as an environmentally friendly method for hydrogen ...