Kanye West is generating buzz of new music as clips of him announcing an album have surfaced on social media. The ...
After treating fans with banger collaborations over the past year, he is finally gearing up for a solo performance that fans ...
Kanye West announces his next upcoming solo project 'Bully' during his China live performance debuts new track.
As reported by ABC 24, Justin Johnson was found guilty of first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, and ...
小学期间曾跟随父母在南京上学过一段时间,侃爷的妈妈Donda West是一个大学老师,1987年,她得到一个去中国大学交流的机会,那一年,她带着10岁的 ...
Will Smith has entered the phoenix era of his career, having risen from the ashes of his personal life being internet fodder ...
有了这段记忆,每当他在美国提到中国,总是不吝啬赞美之词,“侃爷”曾在接受美国《福布斯》杂志采访时这样说:“我爱中国。它改变了我的生活,改变了我的想法,给了我如此广阔的世界观。” ...
The rapper released his last album, Donda 2, only on his own proprietary Stem music player, which is essentially a small speaker. Super fans who wanted to hear the collection needed to shell out ...
今年中秋,不少网友过得很闹心。 前有买小杨哥的美诚月饼遭背刺质疑,后是江浙沪网友们被台风逼到家里只能啃月饼过节。 黑天鹅事件很多,还有一件颠覆很多网友认知的事,那就是美国说唱歌手坎耶·韦斯特,外号“侃爷”在中秋假期来海口办演唱会。 消息一出,3万张门票在短短3分钟内全部抢光,同时,还有22.5万人在候补名单上等待随时捡漏,相当疯狂。 吸金能力也自然水涨船高,有数据统计,本场试听会演出实现票房收入约 ...
其实,从2016年开始,侃爷就开始因精神问题而被迫入院治疗,前妻卡戴珊说他患有躁郁症,华盛顿大学还将他作为病例来进行教学。当时的坎爷的“不正常”已经有了苗头,那时他的巡演每晚能赚上百万美元,但他却发推称自己现在背了上了5300万美元的债务,希望Fac ...
Kanye West announced new album "Bully" and debuted the song "Beauty and the Beast" during a listening event in China on Sept.