在充满挑战的市场环境中,Diodes Incorporated (DIOD)股价触及52周低点,达到58.58美元的价格水平。这一下跌反映出与表现较好时期相比的显著回落,该股票一年来的变化为-21.29%。投资者正密切关注这家半导体制造商的表现,因为它正在应对行业需求波动和全球经济压力带来的逆风。52周低点作为公司短期走势和潜在长期韧性的关键指标备受关注。 在其他近期新闻中,Diodes Inco ...
Diodes 公司 (Diodes)近日宣布符合汽车规格*的产品组合将新增两款增强型高电压霍尔效应开关芯片系列。单极的AH332xQ和全极的AH352xQ采用 SIP-3、SOT23 (S 型)、SC59 ...
在充满挑战的市场环境中,Diodes Incorporated (DIOD)股价触及52周低点,跌至58.87美元。这家半导体公司一直在科技板块的动荡期中艰难前行,过去一年股价出现显著下跌。投资者保持谨慎,因为该股票过去一年的表现显示下跌了21.76%。这一下跌标志着与之前增长期的显著转变,公司正在应对影响整个科技行业的更广泛经济压力。 在其他近期新闻中,Diodes Incorporated推出 ...
9月25日消息,美国分立半导体和无源电子元件制造商Vishay Intertechnology Inc.(威世)宣布了一项重组计划,其中包括裁员约 800 人。Vishay ...
Many hobbies seem to have a subset of participants who just can’t leave well enough alone. Think about hot rodders, who ...
Researchers at Nichia Corporation have demonstrated green InGaN-based lasers grown on c-plane sapphire, with lifetimes capable of supporting commercial applications. The demonstration of green ...
Diodes Incorporated ( NASDAQ:DIOD ) shareholders might be concerned after seeing the share price drop 16% in the last... PLANO, Texas, September 10, 2024--Diodes Incorporated (Diodes) (Nasdaq ...
Nanoscale engineering can now take advantage of a new ratchet device: it acts as a diode for superconducting vortices, but its directionality can be controlled and repeatedly reversed to become an ...
(a)目标分子的化学结构;(b)前线分子轨道分布图;(c)能级 及自旋轨道耦合常数;(d)基态和激发态重组能;(e)重组能与频率关系图 在国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:52130308、22375130、52373192)等资助下,深圳大学材料学院杨楚罗教授团队在深蓝光 ...
Looking for an examination copy? If you are interested in the title for your course we can consider offering an examination copy. To register your interest please contact [email protected] ...
Diodes Incorporated ( NASDAQ:DIOD ) shareholders might be concerned after seeing the share price drop 16% in the ...
All major breakthroughs in computing, from personal computers and the internet to smartphones and artificial intelligence ( ...