A team of researchers have won a coveted Ig Nobel Prize for tossing coins hundreds of thousands of times and proving that ...
The study’s findings showed “compelling statistical support” for the bias originally predicted by Stanford mathematician Persi Diaconis and colleagues in 2007. Diaconis originally predicted ...
The Ig Nobel Prize, known for celebrating quirky and humorous scientific achievements, recently honored a groundbreaking ...
In a stark demonstration of how award-winning breakthroughs can come from the most unlikely directions, researchers have won ...
Ig Nobel awards celebrates a slew of bizarre research that makes you laugh, and then makes you think. These are some of this ...
近日,2024搞笑诺贝尔奖(Ig Nobel Prize)获奖名单颁布。该奖项设立于1991年,旨在“表彰那些先让人发笑,继而引人深思的成就”。它由搞笑杂志《不可思议的研究年鉴》( Annals of Improbable Research,AIR ...
Further, what do we even mean by the term? I like the definition offered by mathematicians Persi Diaconis and Frederick Mosteller in their 1989 paper, “Methods for Studying Coincidences ...
The only person to have won a Nobel Prize and an Ig Nobel Prize is Sir Andre Geim. The Ig Nobel Prize awarded in 2000 was for ...
今天早上,人类第34次迎来了“第一届”搞笑诺贝尔奖。 这一次,颁奖典礼终于回到了室内——美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的一间大教室内。相比往年的奖品,这一届可以说投入了巨大成本:雷打不动的10万亿元津巴布韦币,外加一个透明的塑料盒子,盒子除了在顶部贴有搞笑诺贝尔奖的一张纸外,里面还放置了不少墨菲定律的“历史文物”。 遗憾的是,墨菲定律指出,任何可能出错的事,最终都会出错。那么,根据盒子上的说明,这个盒 ...