A body of evidence shows that deep breathing is good for our well-being. Researchers have identified the parts of the nervous ...
I used a handheld breathing device called Moonbird to manage my anxiety and boost my sleep quality. Here's what I thought ...
Slow deep breathing can be used as an alternate therapy for people with hypertension to reduce blood pressure without medication, a 2023 review of studies found. It's easy for people of all ages ...
Small plastic particles are everywhere: in the soil where our food is grown, in the water we drink and in the air we breathe.
Breathing for relaxation is more than the simple inhale and exhale you do multiple times per minute without thinking too hard about it. Intentional deep breathing exercises which involves a ...
A study funded by the SNSF highlights previously unknown links between the body and the brain. The findings of this research carried out at the ...
Chances are if you watch an NRL game this weekend you will see the latest one per-center to hit rugby league teams – not entirely new, but being used more than ever before: deep breathing during ...
Ujjayi breathing is a technique that allows you to calm your mind by focusing on your breath. The goal is to help you override thoughts that could distract you from your meditative state.
Deep breathing practices like pranayama may help with sleep regulation, by requiring you to focus on your breath and promoting deep relaxation. This may be especially beneficial to those with ...
A talk on how breathing affects our mood took first place at this year's Postdoc Slam event, which is held in celebration of ...
Adult first aid for someone who in unresponsive and breathing, including how to check for breathing and what to do in an emergency. Someone who is unresponsive won't answer or move if you call their ...
There is also evidence that deep breathing helps to reduce pain levels and lower blood pressure for those with cardiovascular disease. Now researchers are asking, what’s going on in the body ...