美联储一下子将基准利率下调了0.5个百分点。这是自新冠疫情肆虐的2020年3月以来首次下调。随着美联储跟上此前开始下调的欧洲中央银行、英国的步伐等,预计全球利率下调速度将加快。韩国为了应对内需不振,也要考虑下调利率,但闹腾的房价和暴增的家庭负债阻碍了 ...
Punjab agriculture director Dr Jaswant Singh says the department has been conducting crop survey and payment will be made ...
Zero Motorcycles has been making waves in the electric motorcycle industry by pushing the boundaries of technology, ...
拜耳在印度启动了其全球倡议 ″拜耳前沿农场″(Bayer ForwardFarming)。此农场乃是全球 29 个前锋农场中最新的一个。每一个前锋农场皆如一座可持续农业实践的灯塔,为农民、研究人员以及利益相关者搭建起一个合作与分享知识的平台:公司在一份新闻稿中宣称:″拜耳印度前锋农场将展示契合该国数百万小农需求的创新耕作技术,尤其聚焦于可持续水稻种植,进而推动向再生农业转型。″ ...
Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) provides a groundbreaking technique in revolutionising traditional rice cultivation by offering greater efficiency, reduced resource consumption, and improved ...
根据最近向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件显示,Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ:INBS)与Ladenburg Thalmann & Co. Inc.签订了一份场外发行协议。该协议于今日签署,允许公司以最高300万美元的总销售价格发行普通股。
"The debt service ratio is expected to face further upward pressure as mortgages continue to renew at higher rates, and as a ...
The DSR/X inspires confidence on your journey through an upright riding position with high ground clearance, coupled with instant and smooth acceleration powered by Zeros newest direct drive motor ...
India cannot become a developed nation by 2047 with backward agriculture, says Bayer's South Asia head, Simon Wiebusch. He ...
Instead of recruiting a large labour base to carry out transplanting work, in the absence of standing water, DSR allows ...