TDMA for GNU-Radio Use multiple USRP transceivers to use TDMA for access the channel, during each time slot, one of the USRPs broadcasts, while the rest receive and decode the signal.
In this paper, we propose a novel Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) algorithm that can quickly schedule the use of the UWB medium by a large network of devices without collisions in local network ...
In this paper, we focus on the biologically inspired and self-organized TDMA protocol DESYNC. We analyze its potential for energysaving, and network latency respectively. We could identify some ...
Classic desync or request smuggling attacks rely on intentionally malformed requests that ordinary browsers simply won't send. This limits these attacks to websites that use a front-end/back-end ...
The networks are designed with either nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) or time division multiple access (TDMA) towards the maximum throughput. For this purpose, we develop alternative optimization ...
Time division multiple access (TDMA) is a process of sharing a single radio channel by dividing the channel into time slots that are shared between simultaneous users of the radio channel. When a ...
Client-side desync (CSD) vulnerabilities occur when a web server fails to correctly process the Content-Length of POST requests. By exploiting this behavior, an attacker can force a victim's browser ...
Book Abstract: Adaptive Wireless Transceivers provides the reader with a broad overview of near-instantaneously adaptive transceivers in the context of TDMA, CDMA and OFDM systems. The adaptive ...
North American TDMA (NA-TDMA) is a digital cellular system [22] [23] [24] sometimes called American digital cellular (ADC) or digital AMPS (DAMPS), or North American digital cellular (NADC) or IS-54 ...
整套系统包括一套TDMA和一套湿度控制系统。具体功能如下: A.低湿度环境下产生多分散气溶胶; B.调节电压,用第一个DMA选取一定电迁移率范围内的气溶胶; C.将选取的气溶胶引入准确控制相对湿度的环境; D.在电压步进模式或扫描模式下,用第二个DMA ...