Are there dry, damaged patches of grass in your well-watered lawn? These pesky mole-like insects might be to blame.
Bugs can be a problem all-year, but with the changing of the seasons can come the changing of activity patterns for all sorts ...
Cricket swarms – thousands of field crickets assembling in one location, typically around urban/suburban buildings – can be ...
So, what is causing the cricket infestation? Usually in the late summer into fall, crickets emerge in Texas, their increased ...
As late summer transitions to fall, North Texas is experiencing significant outbreaks of black crickets. The insects become ...
Martin Guptill, who has faced the Indian grounds by himself, believes that the biggest challenge will be understanding the ...
A video of crickets invading a Texas parking lot is getting a lot of attention on social media. Even though it happens every ...
Although it may not seem like it, crickets are fantastic allies in your garden. Contributing to soil health and pest control, ...
How well-fed the insects are could affect their “mating filter" (and no, this shouldn't be extrapolated to humans).
Rockdale businesses are overwhelmed with crickets, sweeping out hundreds daily. Experts offer advice on managing the surge.
A trio of biologists at the University of Minnesota has found that when male crickets need to save energy, they narrow their ...
The Dallas Morning News reported today that portions of North Texas are seeing an outbreak of crickets known as black ...