Click the photo and watch the video. BEIJING, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) — China's national news agency, Xinhua, on Thursday opened a photo exhibition documenting the historic transformation of the country ove ...
近年来,随着消费浪潮的迭起与升级浪潮的席卷,企业界对品牌塑造的渴望如同春日里茁壮生长的藤蔓,愈发枝繁叶茂。作为企业形象视觉识别系统中不可或缺的一环,服装,尤其是职业装,其需求犹如夏日烈日下的草木,迅猛增长,蔚为壮观。据权威数据勾勒的蓝图显示,2016 ...
俗话说“不可谓不美”,然而美这种东西本就是主观的,更何况时尚本就是先锋的,所以唐嫣的造型这么撞色又宽松的毛衣和裤子也能成为时尚之都的街拍。 唐嫣这几年似乎都不怎么出现在娱乐圈中,好似将自己完全交给生活,因此也没什么流量保护。
周五,吉吉·哈迪德(Gigi Hadid)在巴黎时装周上的Vetements t台秀上,身着一件用DHL包裹胶带制成的迷你裙,将时尚推向了新的高度,证明了她是完美的。
时代广场(Times ...
缅甸主流媒体团19日赴中国交流参访,第一站来到了广州。这是外交部、中国驻外使领馆今年组织的第十批次外国主流媒体访问广州。A delegation comprised of chief editors, journalists and editors from state-owned and private media institutions in Myanmar embarked on its ...
Fan Di'an, chairman of China Artists Association, highlighted that games are a global cultural phenomenon, crucial in shaping youth cultural consumption. He stressed that games serve as a cultural and ...
The viewing period of red maple leaves in the mountain will continue through October 31, and the best time is during the ...
Thanks to his mother's wisdom, Mohamed embarked on his journey of learning Chinese. Mohamed graduated from Ain Shams University in Egypt with a degree in Chinese in September 2019, and then pursued ...