Toni Thorimbert From January 24th to March 15th 2014, the Galleria del Cembalo in Rome (Largo della Fontanella Borghese, 19) hosts the exhibition Doppio gioco (Double game). Photographs of Giovanni ...
In this work the soloists are flauto (flute) and violino (violin) and sometimes the cembalo (harpsichord). The ripieno is a string ensemble, violino (violin), viola, violoncello (cello ...
马丁·鲁特是研究十八和十九世纪古长笛与音乐演奏的顶尖长笛演奏家和研究者之一。他创建了比德迈尔管乐五重奏(Biedermeier Wind Quintet)和美泉宫乐团 (Ensemble Schönbrunn)。除巴赫、库劳和莫扎特的长笛协奏曲外,他还录制了大量室内乐作品。马丁·鲁特与安纳-比尔斯马(Anner Bijlsma)的Archibudelli乐团合作,为SONY录制了巴赫的第五勃兰登堡 ...
In this work the soloists are flauto (flute) and violino (violin) and sometimes the cembalo (harpsichord). The ripieno is a string ensemble, violino (violin), viola, violoncello (cello ...