Early identification is critical, as pruning infected branches can help contain the spread. Copper-based bactericides are often used as a treatment. The Chestnut Blight Virus decimated American ...
Just like more conventional fungicides, it must be applied to healthy tissue in advance of infection in order to be effective. Copper compounds are fungicides and bactericides available in different ...
Kasumin’s control of fire blight extends to streptomycin-resistant bacteria isolates in apples and pears, the company said, and the product carries no "cross-resistance" to other bactericides. Kasumin ...
Biocides and cidal agents are functional chemicals used to kill or neutralize biological pests such as microbes, mold, and insects. These chemicals ensure preservation and proper function of systems ...
Infections of drug-resistant superbugs are projected to kill nearly 40 million people over the next 25 years, a global ...
Kolapo M. Ajuwon, animal sciences, “The Role of Maternal and Infant Nutrition on Epigenetic Regulation of Metabolic,” $75,000 Gabriel J. Bowen, earth & atmospheric sciences, “Hydrological Controls on ...
As any avid gardener will tell you, plants with sharp thorns and prickles can leave you looking like you've had a run-in with an angry cat. Wouldn't it be nice to rid plants of their prickles ...
Treat diseases with the correct fungicides or bactericides to restore the health of your plant. While some insects can benefit your fruit trees, others—including pesky borers, aphids ...