Autism, ADHD and other behavioral conditions were found to be more likely in children born to overweight mothers.
Children born to mothers with obesity both before and during pregnancy have an increased risk of neuropsychiatric and ...
There are plenty of reasons to make cycling a regular workout, considering research indicates it can make you feel more ...
More than 4 in 10 U.S. adults have obesity, putting them at risk of chronic conditions like high blood pressure, type 2 ...
It seems somewhat paradoxical that a subtle polymorphism that slightly increases UCP2 transcription is associated with significant beneficial effects on adiposity in humans, whereas the complete ...
Evidence from studies in lean and normal weight adults seems to support this notion; however, the relationship between adiposity and bone in adults with obesity suggests the opposite. In children ...
综上所述,研究团队发现每一个“健康”饮食习惯均能改善参与者的BMI z评分,但每周仅外出就餐1次(或每月≤3次)以减少超加工食品的摄入是降低BMI z评分的最佳策略。
如果大脑健康出了问题,会严重影响我们的生活质量。这篇文章盘点了大脑最怕的 10 件事,最后还会告诉大家保护大脑应该怎么吃,让健康从“头”开始。 2022 年 3 月发表在《自然·通讯》上的一项研究,对超过 3.6 万多名中老年人的数据进行了分析并发现 ...
By Dr. Sushama R. Chaphalkar, PhD. New research highlights the powerful impact of endurance cycling on fat distribution and ...
Research from the University of South Australia reveals that children born to obese mothers are at a higher risk of ...
Therefore, incorporating a handful of almonds into the daily well-balanced diet is a beneficial habit for keeping the heart ...
Children living in low-income areas with limited food access during early childhood are at greater risk for higher BMI and ...