The nonprofit endorsed the potential 1% sales tax increase, saying it could provide vital support for the Little Rock Police ...
Stechmann was installed as the new president of AACE for the 2024-2025 term and says UAB’s presence at the conference ...
中气爱: 台风“普拉桑”的路线比“贝碧嘉”稍偏南,预计登陆浙江,可以说是华东沿海二连击。今年9月台风生成和登陆都比较频繁,从生成数来说可能会达到6个,其中在我国登陆至少3个,影响4个以上。主要原因是: ...
▲在西藏阿里地区札达县古格王国遗址脚下,当地村民表演“宣舞”(9月11日摄)。“宣舞”起源于札达县,是西藏阿里民间传统舞蹈。“宣舞”融合藏戏、舞蹈、说唱等主要的藏民族民间艺术,内容涵盖藏民族宗教、礼仪、风俗、节庆等各方面的内容。2008 ...
Police say the wreck involved a semi-truck and a motorcycle. As of 1:30 a.m., all westbound lanes on I-90 were closed beyond ...
Denton police are investigating a report that a $320,000 RV went missing from a dealership between Wednesday night and ...
Overall score is based on crash protection, ease of use, and the booster seat's potential to fit a vehicle and child. The displayed score is out of a total of 100 points. A rating that reflects a ...
The presidential election has brought back the debate over ending the U.S. Department of Education. Republican candidate ...
From Lord Gus O’Donnell, Former Cabinet Secretary; Lord Jim O’Neill, Former Commercial Secretary to the Treasury; Professor ...
晨曦初破,在嘉鱼县陆溪镇邱家湾村的菱角池里,一片片菱叶犹如碧绿色的地毯铺满水面。采菱工穿梭其中,采收鲜嫩的菱角。菱角的销售周期相对较短,通常只有四个月左右。嘉鱼县水资源丰富,新鲜采摘的菱角销路很好,每年都有客商早早地来到这里收购。 近年来,嘉鱼县有效利用自然资源,将水塘、洼地等区域承包给村民用于种植菱角、莲藕等水生农作物,大力发展“水上经济”。在主产区陆溪镇,这里菱角的种植面积达到3600亩。
歌舞《追光逐梦-新时代教师之歌》拉开活动序幕。记者陈聪聪 实习生江文滔摄 9月13日晚,教师们朗诵《以教师之名》。记者陈聪聪 实习生江文滔摄 9月13日晚,由三亚市教育局主办,三亚传媒影视集团承办的“星辰远阔·筑梦为光——三亚市庆祝第40个教师节 ...