9月30日上午,越南国家银行越盾对美元汇率中间价报24093,较上周末交易日上调25越盾。在越盾兑美元的交易区间为±5%的情况下,今天各家银行美元兑越盾汇率上限为25273越盾,下限为23400越盾。 资料图。图自越通社 越通社河内——9月30日上午 ...
A desperate search is underway for a missing turtle named Tucker. Susan McGuire Rowe is asking for the community's help to ...
9月30日,高德红外开盘涨3.09%,报7元。 9月27日盘后数据显示: 高德红外收于6.790元,涨幅6.93%,成交金额5.3584亿元,换手率2.37%。 资金流向:主力净流入2635.0269万元。其中超大单净流入2965.7865万元,大单净流入-330.7596万元,中单净流入-2516.514万元,小单净流入-118.5129万元。 融资融券信息:融资余额58,234.93万元,融资 ...
Americans who say they expect to "never retire" are more likely than others to score low on a measure of financial knowledge, ...
Dundee Corporation (TSX: DC.A) (the “Company” or “Dundee”) announced today that it has sold to a private investor 8,000 of the 1,015,008 shares it holds in TauRX Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (“TauRx”) at a ...
9月20日,善水科技涨5.20%,成交额3584.31万元,换手率3.84%,总市值28.22亿元。 根据AI大模型测算善水科技后市走势。短期趋势看 ...
9月18日,万华化学涨2.67%,成交额9.97亿元,换手率0.44%,总市值2284.48亿元。 根据AI大模型测算万华化学后市走势。短期趋势看 ...
央广网白沙9月26日消息(记者 付美斌)走进白沙茶园小镇,街边“白沙绿茶”销售店随处可见。穿过小镇,便是茶园基地,放眼望去,碧野千里;在陨石坑边上的茶树,亦竞相绽放“新”芽。 白沙绿茶(央广网记者 付美斌 摄) ...
HCV testing was conducted in fewer than half of perinatally exposed children, with the lowest odds observed in Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Hispanic/Latinx populations.