1126–7). Kao-tsung was the emperor who led the restoration of the Sung dynasty and inaugurated what is known as the Southern Sung dynasty (1127–1279). Resisting the Chin dynasty’s attempts at further ...
Jiading Confucius Temple, the largest existing ancient architectural complex in Shanghai, reopened to the public over the ...
1127-1279), with the latest ones dating to 1272. The ship probably sank soon after that date. Associated with the ship remains were about 5,000 pounds of fragrant wood, probably from either ...
Boasting elements like stone bridges, winding rivers and elegant above-water architecture, ancient towns are highlights to ...
宋官窑瓷器,分为北宋与南宋,在历史文献中多有记载,据《负睻杂录》、《垣斋笔衡》等古籍记载,北宋大观、政和年间(公元1111-1125年),宫廷于汴京(今河南开封)附近设立官窑,专为皇室烧造御用瓷器,名曰“官窑”。开启了宋官窑瓷器的辉煌篇章。而南宋时期 ...
仇英,字实父,寓居今江苏苏州地区。初为漆工,后广泛临习古代名迹,兼学吴门画派文人画风,技艺大进,为“吴门四家”之一。此图原作又名《中兴瑞应图》,传为南宋( 1127–1279 ...
In ancient times, the names and contributions of many talented women often went unrecorded in history. One such remarkable ...
Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang province, East China, was the political, economic and cultural center more than 800 years ago, when it served as the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) ...
At this time of the year, within three days after the Mid-Autumn Festival, roaring tides of the Qiantang River, mostly in ...
The 2024 Southern Confucianism Tourism Season was launched Friday in Quzhou, Zhejiang province, aiming to promote the eastern ...
Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang province, East China, was the political, economic and cultural center more than 800 years ago, when it served as the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) ...