天下书院何其多,湖南衡阳石鼓书院何以能成为四大书院之一呢?这就需要从书院起源讲起。 石鼓书院正门(胡建军 摄) 唐朝开始有了书院,718年唐玄宗李隆基颁诏设丽正殿书院,后改名集贤 ...
Welcome to Fort Drum, home of the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), located in northern New York's picturesque North Country! The installation is in the middle of one of the most ...
石鼓寮景区是一个山青水秀、石怪峰奇、极具田园风光的景区,在群山环抱中有一湖绿水、静影沉璧、微波不惊。看,那石鼓、石钟、石笋、石桃向人们展示着五彩缤纷的神话世界。 一进入石鼓 ...
遇到二手房迟迟不能过户,判断是否遭遇虚假交易时,首先应核查买卖合同的真实性与合法性,确认交易双方身份及房屋权属无误。其次,留意交易过程中是否存在异常,如卖方频繁变更理由 ...
Let’s be honest, in 2024 the easiest and most flexible approach to beat-making is in-the-box. DAW tools such as Logic’s Drum Machine Designer, Ableton’s Drum Racks or the similar beat making tools in ...
Join us on our mission, subscribe to The Drum today. We celebrate exceptional work, companies and people, through our coverage and program of live and virtual events. Our awards, products and ...
Drum pumps, also called barrel pumps, are designed to transport or dispense the contents of drums, pails, or tanks. Pumps are driven by a variety of methods including hand operation, electric, ...
Nothing beats sitting and playing at your acoustic or electronic drum kit, however, in my opinion, the humble practice pad should still be a crucial part of your setup. While playing a full drum kit ...
今年暑假,七月下旬,北京科技大学华韵铸鼎三下乡实践团,围绕湖南省石鼓油纸伞这一省级非物质文化遗产,开展了一系列丰富多彩、意义深远的活动,旨在深入挖掘这一非遗背后的故事与 ...
近日,由北京科技大学10名2023级同学组成的华韵铸鼎湘行伞记实践团,前往湖南省湘潭县石鼓镇,开展了为期14天的科技文化卫生三下乡社会实践活动,在伞厂间实地考察探索非遗保护路径 ...
石鼓区纪委监委聚焦民生痛点,治理堵点,紧盯群众反映的拆迁安置“老大难”问题,助推职能部门由“被动处置”转变为“主动担当”,采取切实有效措施化解拆迁安置遗留问题,截至目前 ...
石鼓区纪委监委聚焦民生痛点,治理堵点,紧盯群众反映的拆迁安置“老大难”问题,助推职能部门由“被动处置”转变为“主动担当”,采取切实有效措施化解拆迁安置遗留问题,截至目前 ...