The prime minister and his government have been the target of criticism for policies blamed for human rights abuses against ...
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a crowd on Sunday at Nassau Coliseum. NewsdayTV's Ken Buffa reports.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the Congress party of "insulting" the nation with remarks during foreign visits by its ...
印度批27亿美元开发可回收火箭和空间站核心舱,还要探索月球金星,月球,宇航员,飞船,载人飞船,火箭,空间站 ...
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 17th Instalment: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday released Rs 20,000 crore as part of the income support scheme for more than 9.26 crore farmers. PM Modi released the ...
路透社根据11位印度和欧洲政府及国防工业官员所言及对商业可用海关数据的分析,报道印度国家军火企业出售的炮弹已被欧洲客户转移到乌克兰,尽管莫斯科提出抗议,新德里并未出面阻止这一贸易。专家说,此举可让印度向西方伙伴表明,“它在俄乌战争中没有站在俄罗斯一边 ...
根据咨询公司Metals Focus的初步估计,这意味着印度的黄金进口量约为131吨,按数量计算,这是有史以来第六高的进口总量。 高企的黄金价格——自今年初以来已上涨25$——历来令对价格敏感的亚洲买家望而却步,印度人因此减少对黄金首饰的需求。
莫迪在全球主要芯片公司高层面前称,印度将尽一切努力成为芯片制造强国。政府制定了政策,为前端晶圆厂、显示器晶圆厂、半导体封装和供应链等半导体制造相关的设施提供 50% 的财政支持。
By resetting the terms of discourse Narendra Modi has brought the old left and the old right together. Once bitter ideological opponents have joined hands and pushed back together, trying hard to ...
据外电9月18日消息,一位高级政府官员周三称, 印度正考虑放宽对非巴斯马蒂大米出口的限制,因该全球第二大大米出口国的库存激增,且农民将在未来几周收获新的作物。
据共同社援引外交消息人士报导称,美日印澳四方安全对话(Quad)计划启动联合巡航,以监控印度-太平洋的船只,这是该集团在中国影响力日益增长的水域打击非法捕鱼的最新努力。 在美国总统拜登(Joe ...