MasterCard (NYSE:MA) 周五获得Baird分析师的持续支持,重申"跑赢大盘"评级,维持545.00美元的目标价。此举是在MasterCard宣布以26.5亿美元收购领先的威胁情报公司Recorded Future之后。 这次收购对MasterCard来说是一个重要举措,因为Recorded Future被认为是全球最大的威胁情报公司,为75个国家的1900多个客户提供服务,其中包 ...
Mastercard, a frontrunner in leading innovations in the payments ecosystem, showcased emerging technologies aimed at driving ...
周四,MasterCard (NYSE:MA) 维持了买入评级和533.00美元的目标价,此前该公司宣布收购Recorded Future。这笔价值26.5亿美元的收购符合MasterCard战略性扩展增值服务(VAS)的计划,特别是在网络安全解决方案方面。此举预计将增强MasterCard监控网络和情报威胁的能力。 收购以威胁情报专业知识著称的Recorded Future,将为MasterCa ...
The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Mastercard and PayPal. The Motley Fool recommends the following options: long January 2025 $370 calls on Mastercard, short January 2025 $380 calls on ...
Mastercard (NYSE: MA) just announced an acquisition to beef up its capabilities in cybersecurity and threat prevention. It ...
Mastercard's strong positioning in emerging markets and digital payments, coupled with value-added services revenue, makes it ...
For Mastercard, the PE, PB, and PS ratios are all high compared to industry peers, indicating potential overvaluation. On the other hand, Mastercard's high ROE, EBITDA, gross profit, and revenue ...
Mastercard offers a robust moat, low-risk, high-growth potential and is fairly valued compared to Visa and PayPal, driven by ...
为持续响应全球净零目标,台新金(2887)旗下台新银行今(20)日宣布,将于「世界清洁日」携手Mastercard,发起绿色减碳的种树行动,除了减缓地球暖化、气候变异,更鼓励卡友认识更多深耕永续的商家,一同为全球2050年净 ...
If you're a frequent flyer with Air France and KLM, you may have your eyes on the airlines' cobranded credit card. Here's ...
9月10日,由 Mastercard主办的「亚太旅游支付论坛」(Asia Pacific Travel Payment Forum) 在中国香港拉开帷幕。此次活动汇聚了亚洲旅游支付生态系统的众多行业领袖,共同探讨亚太地区旅游业未来面临的挑战和机遇。