黄仁勋在对话中指出, 人工智能行业正从传统的“工具”行业转变为一种“技能”行业 。他说:“我们行业的规模已经达到了约1万亿美元,一直以来都被视为一个工具行业。比如,计算机、软件,这些都属于工具行业。但如今,我们的行业即将迎来一次前所未有的转变,它将首次成为一个技能行业。” ...
Already, progress in agentic AI is “spectacular and surprising,” moving faster and faster and getting into the “flywheel zone ...
Customer service is seen as one of the sectors where AI could have the biggest impact.
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff has criticized Microsoft Corporation’s (NASDAQ:MSFT) Copilot by comparing it to the infamous ...
Putting agent tech into the hands of thousands of delegates attending Dreamforce - a high wire move by Salesforce CEO Marc ...
CNBC's Deidre Bosa joins 'The Exchange' with details about Salesforce's AI efforts. Donald Trump's Chances of Beating Kamala ...
日前,由华裔科学家、被称为“AI教母”的斯坦福大学教授李飞飞创办的AI创业公司空间智能正式成立。据官网介绍,空间智能是一家专注于空间智能的AI公司,致力于构建大型世界模型 ...
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff says AI and human customer service agents are indistinguishable. Benioff said AI agents had reached "another level of capability." Customer service is seen as one of ...
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff reveals how a conversation with Steve Jobs inspired Agentforce, the company's groundbreaking AI strategy set to revolutionize enterprise software.
AI大牛李飞飞创办的AI公司World Labs日前宣布成立,并获得2.3亿美元融资,领投方包括Andreessen Horowitz的Martin Casado和Sarah Wang、NEA的Scott Sandell及Radical ...
软件公司Salesforce(CRM.US)执行长Marc Benioff周五表示,该公司新推出的人工智能(AI)软件是一个完整的软件系统,适合寻求利用新兴技术的企业客户。 他称,客户认为自己必须自订及DIY自己的人工智能,但并非如此。他希望在未来12个月内为客户提供10亿个AI代理。 相关内容《经济》美国9月房屋市场指数升至41 高预期 至於有关华特迪士尼(DIS.US)将停止使用Salesfo ...
人工智能(AI)先驱、AI科学家李飞飞又上头条,这次她吸引媒体关注是因为一家新生的AI初创公司World Labs,这家公司问世之初就得到了硅谷顶级风投Andreessen Horowitz、英伟达等大牌“金主”的支持。