The U.S. government is expected to announce a troop reduction in Iraq shortly, two administration officials said on Friday.
Four ISIS leaders were killed as a result of raid in western Iraq late last month, the US military said Friday.
Details of a future U.S. military posture in Iraq remain murky, but consequences of a premature withdrawal are clear, the ...
The Islamic State killed five Hezbollah-affiliated fighters in Syria, a war monitor said on Sunday, in the latest sign of the ...
A top Isis commander tipped to become the group’s new global leader was killed in one of the largest US counter-terror ...
Police seized bows and arrows, a drone and ISIS leaflets during raids of the suspects’ homes Sept. 2 and 3, police said in a ...
Last month’s raid In Iraq’s western Anbar Province resulted in the death of four top ISIS commanders, U.S. Central Command ...
当地时间9月13日,美国中央司令部发布声明称,美军部队和伊拉克安全部队于8月29日在伊拉克西部进行了一次联合袭击,打死14名极端组织“伊斯兰国”成员。 根据声明,此次行动的目标是“伊斯兰国”领导人。行动旨在破坏和削弱“伊斯兰国”策划、组织和实施袭击伊拉克平民、美国公民及其盟友和伙伴的能力。 根据袭击后的评估,中央司令部确认共有4名“伊斯兰国”领导人被击毙。
Last week, five ISIS fighters escaped from Raqqah Detention Facility in northeastern Syria, triggering operations by US ...
The man, a Pakistani citizen who lives in Canada, was allegedly planning to attack on or around the anniversary of Hamas' Oct ...
Four senior ISIS leaders were killed in last month's U.S.-Iraqi military raid in western Iraq including the group's top ...