Simone Pini, condannato a 25 anni di carcere a Cuba per un omicidio, sostiene di avere prove della sua innocenza, mostrando il suo arrivo sull'isola undici giorni dopo il crimine. Da 14 anni in carcer ...
Tropical Storm Helene is expected to unleash mudslides and flooding in Cuba before reaching major hurricane strength on ...
HAVANA (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Helene is expected to unleash mudslides and flooding in Cuba before reaching major ...
Hurricane watches were issued for parts of Cuba and Mexico on Monday as a cluster of storms south of the Cayman Islands was ...
Latin America isn’t immune to the wave of repression washing over the world, with increasingly nasty consequences that its ...
Partes de Cuba y México estaban el lunes bajo avisos de huracán ante las previsiones de que un grupo de tormentas al sur de ...
The reaction of U.S. investors to Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro's power-rate slash a fortnight ago was swift and direct. Two days before the rate cut was announced, an offering ...
随着CBA新赛季的即将开启,国内某知名篮球论坛也是开启了CBA现役30大球星的评选,能够入围这一站榜单的球员不仅仅是看重他的数据,人气、关注度等等也在考核的因素当中,不过能够体现球员排名的最重要的依旧还是球员的得票数,接下来,我们先来盘点下,当下前1 ...
El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, ratificó la prioridad que concede la isla caribeña a los lazos con China, al recibir hoy viernes al embajador chino en La Habana, Hua Xin.
▲网传某民营医院招篮球特长生岗位要求。图/网络视频截图又现“萝卜招聘”?近日,广西桂林兴安县兴安界首骨伤医院招聘篮球特长生,要求有代表学校参加过西南赛区CUBA一级联赛的主力队员或西南赛区CUBA三级联赛获得前三的主力队员。被网友质疑是萝卜坑招聘。据 ...