The $3 Billion financial grants will fund 25 projects in 14 states, including election battleground states such as Michigan ...
The Biden administration is awarding $3 billion to U.S. companies to boost domestic production of advanced batteries and ...
Ford executives shocked fans and skeptics by announcing radical changes to its electric vehicle strategy. In a series of ...
China's commerce minister said on Wednesday that Beijing will continue to negotiate "until the last minute" on the European ...
The European Union and China agreed Thursday to intensify discussions as the two sides seek ways to avert looming tariffs on ...
Europe needs China as a “strategic partner” in helping build the bloc’s electric vehicle industry, a top Spanish official ...
China's trade remedy investigations against the EU were launched at the request of domestic industries, in full compliance with Chinese law and World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations. These ...
The EU's trade chief Valdis Dombrovskis said Thursday he had held "constructive" talks with China's commerce minister Wang Wentao as Beijing seeks a deal with Brussels to avoid steep tariffs on ...
中国商务部星期五(9月13日)以发言人答记者问的方式对欧盟委员会拒绝中国业界提交的欧盟电动汽车反补贴案价格承诺解决方案“深表失望”。中国官方已经宣布,中国商务部长王文涛近日访欧,就欧盟委员会决定对原产于中国的电动车加征高额反补贴关税一事做进一步的讨论 ...
马来西亚本土汽车品牌宝腾(Proton)日前表示,根据调查,87%的马来西亚供应商有意中国供应商在电动汽车 (EV) 零部件方面进行合作。 调查表示,在这些合作意向中,分销、技术转让合作、合资伙伴、技能开发合作和联合业务投资成为了其中的主要意向方向。
【共同社9月8日电】夏普公司近日透露将正式开展纯电动汽车(EV)业务。在东京举行的记者会上,专务执行董事种谷元隆介绍称“将探讨大致在几年后发售”。还考虑与母公司鸿海精密工业合作,开发自己的EV。在17日起举行的技术展示会“Tech-Day”上将公开E ...